Virtual Meetings - Navigating the Process
In our new reality of Shelter in Place, we all need to adapt to this environment and find a way to keep our businesses going every way we can. Since working from home and having all of your meetings virtually is a must for the foreseeable future, we invite you to join this interactive virtual presentation from fellow Bartlett Area Chamber member Dana Nikoloulis, providing you with best practices on conducting virtual meetings via GlobalMeet – PGi Business Communication's ‘meet anywhere’ software.
During this virtual chamber event, you will see how using a multiple array of GlobalMeet features can increase your meeting effectiveness.
PowerPoint Presenting
There is a free GlobalMeet version available to all members.
Please register in advance, and you will receive email instructions on how to join the call!
To join, click the link below. No need to dial-in. You will be prompted to get a call back on your phone or join via computer audio
If joining by your computer- chose join by browser if you don’t want to download the software If joining by smart phone or tablet– 1st Download the Free GlobalMeet App from the app store or google play |
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 1, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, April 1
11 am
Call In to Access this FREE Demo-
Please register and call in/access details will be sent to your email.
Contact Information
Chamber Office
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