National Night Out 2012
Please join the Chamber and other organizations and businesses for the 28th Anniversary of Bartlett's National Night Out. It will once again be held at Bartlett Park on Tuesday, August 7 from 5 to 9 pm. Featured will be lots of fun activities for all ages. Last year Bartlett was ranked THIRD PLACE nationally for populations between 15,000 to 49,999. Let's help make it to #1 this year!
Date and Time
Tuesday Aug 7, 2012
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, August 7
(Rain Date August 8)
5:00 to 9:00 pm
Bartlett Park
North and Oak Avenues
Bartlett, IL
FREE to Everyone!
Contact Information
Bartlett Chamber of Commerce Office - (630) 830-0324
Send Email