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The Bartlett Area Small Business Owners' Guide To Sustainable Practices

According to statistics, 48% of consumers in the United States are prepared to change their consumption habits to benefit the environment. These consumers spend more than $128 billion on sustainable products every year. Your small business can capitalize on this market while also doing something good for the planet by implementing sustainable practices. The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce offers some great tips to get you started below: 

Get Started Today


According to scientists, some of the changes caused by human activity are irreversible. However, it is not too late to mitigate the damage. The longer we wait to start making changes, the worse the impact of climate change will be. Even if you begin with only minor changes, switching to sustainable practices now is critical.


If you are starting a new business, there are some administrative tasks you must complete before you can move on to running your green business. Consider structuring your business as a limited liability company. LLCs provide flexibility, tax advantages, and reduced paperwork. They also provide liability protection for your personal assets. Filing yourself or using a formation service can avoid expensive legal fees. However, the regulations vary by state, so if you file yourself, be sure to do your research. 


Research the Economic Benefits 


Sustainable practices improve your brand image and can give you a competitive edge over the competition. They can also save you money on energy bills. Plus, employees who feel empowered by doing something positive for the environment may be more productive.


You may also have an easier time complying with state and federal regulations. Sustainable practices can help you reduce your waste, and selling your waste products to a recycling center can save you money. Sustainable practices may attract investors who are interested in backing green businesses, and you could even qualify for tax breaks.  


Research the Environmental Benefits 

Recycling your waste products reduces the amount of trash that goes into landfills and creates jobs. Switching to remote work or encouraging green commuting reduces fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Encourage employees to bike, carpool or take public transportation. Choosing sustainable materials for your products reduces the destruction of natural resources. 


Market Your Sustainable Practices

Advertising your sustainable practices not only benefits your company but can encourage your competitors and customers to also adopt sustainable habits. To get the full benefit of running a sustainable business, you must make sure your customers, potential customers and investors know what you are doing.


Include information about your sustainable practices in your marketing campaigns. Talk about it on your social media, blog and website. Partner with community organizations to promote sustainable initiatives. 


Reduce Your Paper Usage

Emails, texts and other digital communication make it easier than ever to avoid generating paper documents. Take advantage of technology to prevent internal communications that were previously printed on paper. One option is to send invoices to customers electronically. You can choose from a variety of pre-made templates to create professional-looking invoices that suit your brand and include your logo. Email or text the completed invoices to customers to avoid the need to print and mail them.


You can also reduce the use of toner and paper by saving emailed documents as PDFs for easy digital filing. You can even use an online PDF combiner tool to put several files together that address the same issue or project, which will make it easier to save and share these files when needed. The process is simple. Just add the files, arrange them, and save.


Make a Change through Your Business


Businesses are a major contributor to factors that negatively impact the environment. Switching to sustainable practices, such as recycling your waste, encouraging green commuting, sending electronic invoices, and using PDF merging tools can benefit both the environment and your bottom line. 


Grow your business by building relationships with other local entrepreneurs and accessing unique resources offered by the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. Join us today!


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